Art Portfolio
I am an artist, so my site wouldn't be complete without a portfolio!
Anime stuff
Object show stuff
I use this alias for working on projects more ambitious than a single piece of artwork, like music, animation, maybe games, etc. Here is Noncandy's YouTube channel. It only has few content, but it showcases animation and music. I also use this alias on projects listed here except "Planet Halcion".
Club Penguin Smile Team
(WIP, high priority) aka CPST. It follows four new penguins making the 20th anniversary of the opening of Club Penguin Island more special. Supposed to be a fan project for Club Penguin's 20th anniversary which is next year, and includes brand new original characters. I am currently working on the project right now.
Planet Halcion
(WIP) A slice of life-type original project concerning my OCs. This follows the misadventures of Jiuzi Arcedia, a rookie tenma who is lazy and unmotivated. This is the only project where I use the alias "Jiuzi" instead of Noncandy.
Land of Eyes (working title)
(WIP, placed in back burner) This is a BFDI psychological horror fanfic project. It follows Magma and her friend group visiting Firey's new island (following the events of the end of BFB) and all hang out together. Everything is fine until a statue was installed...
Style in Dream Island
(WIP, placed in back burner) A BFDI art showcase project about Dream Island's custom fashion designs. It is going to be an artbook or something similar, showing my clothing designs for BFDI characters, and unlikely to have plot. (Sorry)
Inspired by Pretty Series.
Len'en 4kids
My version of what if Len'en was translated into English by some dubious American company who rarely does research culture and stuff. Click here to check the project out! (updated 11/15/2024, URL will change if it gets updated)