- Added new stuff to my portfolio
- Added new stuff to the FAQ page
- Marquee updated. It appears that I have nothing in my mind to put here tbh lmao. Anyways play len'en
- Other minor updates
- New main site page: FAQ!
- Added new project (mini-project to be specific) in the projects page
- Other minor updates
- Removed guestbook due to spam. I am most likely never going to add some communication to my website ever again.
- Added the "My History" page in my Mario shrine
- Minor updates and additions to the Misc page
- Tranferred from Github.io to Neocities! Now it feels more indie. I also don't have to wait for 2763 years for Github to successfully finish deploying anymore after I do a minor update. 💀💀💀
- Brought back the "Cool Jiu Fact's" on my homepage!!! Now with a safer, different JS script I found (and different messages, I forgot the old ones lmao 💀)
- Added pages: Shrines!
- Speaking of shrines, there's actually a shrine now!!! Yippeeeeeeee
- The status widget looks different. That's because the widget that status.cafe gave me didn't work on Neocities (according to someone, they deprecated external scripts now). Fortunately I got a workaround, using Surfing Waves's RSS Widget.
- Updated the top bar marquee
- Added a flag counter, courtesy of flagcounter.com
- The "Mini" version of the site no longer exists. Instead, I'm planning to add accessibility features soon.
- Other minor updates on all existing pages
- Added the 404 page
- No more updates box at left sidebar because they're too exhausting to update 💀
- New mouse cursor (with effect)! Effect is courtesy of tholman.com.
- Updated the following pages: About, Portfolio, Misc
- Replaced pagedoll at bottom right
- Chatbox was replaced by guestbook hosted by SmartGB
- Updated the top bar marquee
- Changed counter
- Added the misc page, where I put stamps and buttons and other shiz 👀
- Updated the top bar marquee
- Removed "Cool Jiu Fact's" sadly 😔 Couldn't fix this thing without
putting any unsafe stuff (I realized I put some unsafe stuff thanks to
my friend informing me)
- Fixed the background, it now should resize according to your screen (just like mine 😭)
- Updated the Portfolio
- Updated the About page
- A few other minor changes
- Added favicon
- Changed countdown
- Seperated CSS from HTML files for the site and moved them to style.css
- Made a seperate updates page
- Made the colors contrast more and changed the body font to Comfortaa to make it more readable,
at the cost of the beauty of the site 😭 (jk. Accessibility > aesthetic)
- Added the portfolio page!
- Added a birthday countdown
- Added a cool status box from status.cafe
- Changed the counter type from page views to unique visitors
- Site has started existing (in Github)